Hi, all.

I've just bought a shiny new Acer laptop with an AMD Turion 64 X2 processor and I plan to dual-boot with Ubuntu. Since this is a 64-bit processor, should I install a 64-bit version of Ubuntu or should I just stick with the normal 32-bit version for best compatibility with existing programs?


64-bit Linux (x86_64) is supposed to be able to seamlessly mix 32-bit and 64-bit applications without fuss.

But.. I do recall hearing that the Flash player was fussier than normal about this.. so on 64-bit Linux you *might* have to do without the usual number of annoying web advertisements, if that rumour is true.

Simpler answer: The ubuntu install discs are also "live demo" discs: pull down the 64-bit version, boot and run from it and see what works.
