I've got the Samsung HLS6188W set. I really enjoy it, it sure beats the old SAMPO 34" CRT I had! This Samsung did need its focus adjusted. Before the calibration the contrast and black levels were way off. I've calibrated a set myself before using the AVIA DVD. What the calibrator did to my set was way beyond what I could have done myself. Now is it a night and day difference, no. But would I recommend it, yes. The every thing is now set to EXACTLY as per specs and it is a noticeable difference. The focus adjustment was done with the back panel removed and was nothing that I'd even think about doing myself. Skin tones and detail now look perfect, or at least as good as the source material can provide. I'm now just waiting for the day I can afford a Blue-ray player.

As for the set itself, I love it. By far the best picture I've seen on a TV. One interesting thing Samsung has done, although not with this set, is to merge LCD and rear projection together. On one of their TVs it is a LCD panel that provides the light, not a bulb with a spinning wheel. So if your one of those who can see the "rainbow effect" that might be worth a look.