On a side note, it would be "cool" if we could replace hda with a low-capacity (whats the minumum needed?) flash drive, and have the player still "work" (sans mp3s) if hdb failed to spin up. Since I use the empeg for radio as well, when its down, Im in silence....
Thanks again, and thoughts on that last paragraph?
That's been on my TO-DO list for about three years now. 
IIRC, someone else did this, too. I remember there being a player modded to have a lexan top, which had a door in it to allow easy access to a CF card.
I remember that. His whole point was to be able to unload his CF cards from his camera onto some other storage unit. The drop in price/MB and increase in CF storage size sort of made the whole media-transfer concept moot, but flash-based OS sounds like a new spin on it.
I kind of like the idea of OS on flash, though. It sounds like a great idea, but I don't know any of the details involved in the hardware- whether or not it's really worth it.
If it is, it would be cool to see this sort of idea as 'standard issue' on PCs.
I know there are some 'live' Linux distributions (and Windows, too) that will fit on CDs and flash drives.
It would be nice if a given hunk of hardware would boot up happily and then tell you that your storage drive is farked.
I wonder if OS-on-flash would be fast enough- maybe it's faster?.
/rambling about stuff I have no idea about.
Ah- an article on Slashdot mentions Intel's plans for a flash based laptop.
And one of the comments mentions swap space that an OS needs. I always forget about swap space.
But then, flash is soo cheap nowadays, why not just make the swap drive a consumable? I imagine you can test flash memory for how well it's holding up with it's read/write cycling... when it's had enough you pop in a new one.
Presto- a new market for 512MB flash.
Edited by Robotic (06/12/2006 17:17)
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)