Unfortunately I only have a DVI connection on my TV.

I've just gone through this with Nong, and even though I only have DVI on my TV set, I still qualify for this beta program.

Here's the deal with DVI: The thing that Nong's device needs isn't HDMI so much. DVI and HDMI are actually the exact same digital signal on a different-shaped plug. So you can get adapters to plug an HDMI connector into a DVI television set. So there's no problem with that.

No, the catch is this: What Nong's toy really needs is the HDCP copy protection feature. Since some DVI-only devices support this feature, you still might be OK.

As I understand it (and this might be either wrong, or this might be a blanket statment to which there are exceptions, so someone correct me if I'm wrong): Usually, when you see an HDMI plug, you can assume that the HDCP copy protection feature is implemented on that device. You can't always make that assumption with a DVI plug. Some DVI devices have the copy protection feature, some don't. So that's why they asked for HDMI: To make sure you had the copy protection feature.

So... Check your display's manual, or check your manufacturer's web site, to see if your display supports HDCP copy protection. If so, you're golden. In my case, even my product manual didn't say anything about HDCP, yet the manufacturer's web site very specifically says it's a DVI plug that supports HDCP.
Tony Fabris