I saw that when it was first posted on instructables... pretty awesome rig they built from scratch. They weren't the first, but probably the funniest! Some folks brought a crab buggy like that to the dry lake beds last year and it was a blast. A totally different take than the regular buggies we use. My buddy Brian in SLC has a converted mountain board with skates on it that I haven't had a chance to use yet, as well as a converted regular buggy with blades. I'd love to try those out... the whole ice factor would make it a really different experience. And I highly recommend trying out snow kiting if you ever get a chance. I plan on going up either to Tahoe or SLC when I get back from the holidays to get some in.

Kites have an amazing amount of power for sure. There's a video of me doing a pretty big kite jump on my buddies site. That's with a 4.5 meter kite in 20+ mph winds. He took down all the other ones that were way higher. But yeah... kite power is addicting. Going 50mph on a dry lakebed with your ass 3 inches over the ground being pulled by a 2m kite is just epic.. here's a video going way slower, but still cool AVI.
|| loren ||