This year I'm moving to California to go on sabbatical at Stanford. I'm starting the cross-country drive tomorrow morning. As such, any New Year's resolutions I might have are all tied up in my CA plans. Probably the biggest lifestyle change for me is that I'm planning to bike to work every day, regardless of weather. It's six miles and relatively flat, so I don't have much of an excuse not to do it.
After having packed the back of our car, I'm now quite glad I replaced my old G4 Tower with a Mac Mini. That opened a significant amount of space for other junk. It's also just stunning how much trash we've generated. We've filled three large trash cans and then some. I also generated a huge stack of trash from my office. I suppose it's good for us to get rid of the junk before the movers show up to put all our stuff into storage. We'll have enough trouble finding things once we get it all back and move into our hypothetical beautiful new house when we get back to Texas.