How do you be diplomatic with a group that believes it's under mandate from deity to destroy you at any cost? Seems like it'd be difficult to find some give and take there.

As has been stated by others here, this is just plain wrong as far as Iraq goes. Further, its pretty much wrong as far as the overall muslim idealogy goes and it pisses me off to no end that the media and this administration have done everything in their power to make the American people and seemingly every Christian in the U.S. think that muslims are out to destory them. Have there been a handful of loons that said they want a Caliphate from Indonesia to Madrid? Yes? Just like there are a handful of loons that say they want the U.S. to be a Christian country.

"Under mandate of deity to destroy you at any cost". God damn. Enough is enough. Stop with the overly dramatic bullshit. I know it makes it easier for the administration to justify its foreign policy and I know it makes Christians feel nice and important like there is some holy war they are involved in. There is not. They just want you the F out of their countries, and they want the U.S. to stop blindly supporting Israel. Thats it. They don't hate your freedom. They don't give a shit about your freedom.

BTW, there have been Christians in the Middle East for centuries and they are vastly outnumbered by Muslims. These Christians are also dirt poor and powerless just like their Muslim counterparts. If Muslims were all under mandate from Allah to destroy Christians and nonbelievers at any cost, don't you think that they would have started with the Christians living next door? Do you really think they would start with the rather burly and heavily armed Christians coming from the most powerful military in the world? Or do you think they would start the genocide that you claim they've been mandated to carry out with the Christians living amongst them?