
empeg:/empeg/bin# cd /drive0/var/smartctl
empeg:/drive0/var/smartctl# ./smartctl -s on /dev/hda
bash: ./smartctl: No such file or directory

The directions you are following are probably over-complicated for this.

Just FTP the smartctl.bin file to the top-level (root) directory of your player:

ftp my.player.ip.address
cd /
site rw
put smartctl.bin
chmod 755 smartctl.bin
site ro

Then connect via serial to the player, hit control^C to kill off the music app, and enter these commands:

/smartctl.bin -s on /dev/hda
/smartctl.bin -a /dev/hda

Then you can proceed to try out the various test options for smartctl.bin


Edited by mlord (21/01/2007 13:30)