Sorry I haven't been keeping up. Too busy running in circles. Read pushing more pages thru the local bit bucket.
Once upon a time I looked at the url's and page sources. Bizarre!
I'm sure it makes sense at some level but why would anyone program a web app to generate url's that contain random numbers. Truth! I traced a link thru the javascript and it had a random number generator that created a portion of the URL.
Thru the simple expedient of counting the pages visited for one task and multiplying by the number of tasks, I hit well over 1200 pages over a 4 hour period.
What is truly sad about this is that every field I had to fill was redundant info. Every bit of todays work could be automatic.
I'm particularly disgusted with having to use a find dialog just to get my own userid into one field. In another page of the app I can type in a userid and it essentially spell checks it against the acceptable userid's. Yet even in that location the necessary uid is already known to the app and I don't need to be keying it again.
Edited by gbeer (03/02/2007 01:42)