I have broadband 2 lines here at home, one with Zen (fixed IP) the other with BT Retail.

I've not had a moments bother with either service. BT is over priced and over featured, loads of useels crap that I would never use (BT Broadband Talk = pap) and Zen has been 100% spot on so far, but they do have a download useage limit of 20Gb.

What exactly is your average download thoughput? Do you really need an unlimited package?

From an Openreach point of view (part of BT I now work for that will come out and fix your broadband) it really doesn't matter who you pick, the repair process is the same for everyone, inc BT themselves. But if you want to go really over the top ask youor SP about the enhanced care packages (if they offer them) we will be out with you within 4 hours (24 hours a day) on some of those

