Putting this in Empeg-General because it's not off topic, IMHO...


The news article doesn't give the alcatlel-lucent's grounds for the suit. Anyone have more details?

I looked a bit. It seems like AT&T never let go of their asserted rights WRT MP3, so folks who paid Fraunhoffer might have had a false sense of license. But somebody else who actually has a clue can provide a real answer. This news did raise a few other thoughts:

Perversely, my very small submersible of Lucent options just blew tanks and went from 40 feet to 20 feet. Next they'll shout "En haut le périscope !"

This makes me wonder more about Ogg Vorbis and its situation WRT patent encumberances. I need to go look. Go, Ogg!

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.