I had a similar problem some time ago when I moved into my present house. All of a sudden about two months in the fleas were everywhere. I tried a lot of different things, but in the end the only thing that worked was fumigation. Fleas generally lay eggs at low level, ie carpets and so on, as it increases the chance of finding a host. Your clothes are unlikely to have eggs, but washing everything on a fairly hot cycle should take care of that. Strip the bedclothes and wash them as well.

Go to a pet store and buy some 'bug-bombs' or fumigation sprays, one for each room and one for the loft if you have one. These are small aerosol cans with a locking nozzle. Seal off the kitchen (and bathroom, assuming it doesn't have a carpet) and tape up the door seams, or tape a sheet of plastic completely over the door. Open all the other doors in the house, close all the windows, and open the loft hatch.

Set off a bug bomb in each room, and toss one up in the loft. Start at the top of the house and work your way to the door, and when all the rooms are fuming away happily, shut the door and go somewhere else for 24 hours. After that it's not toxic to most things with less than six legs, except fish. If you have fish, take them with you!

This will kill EVERYTHING that could in any way be called an arthropod or insect, regardless of where it is. The insecticide will stay active for several months, so any unaffected eggs will snuff it as soon as they hatch. Any insects that make the mistake of entering your house will croak almost immediately as well, as in "it got halfway across the living room and dropped out of the air like a brick".

The only real issue is to wash all your bedclothes, etc, AFTER you've fumed the house. Also it would be a good idea to wipe down all the cooking surfaces in the kitchen and wash the cutlery and plates as well, just in case. It's fairly drastic treatment, but in the end about the only one that really works.

Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...