Following up on my own thread.

I liked this beast so much that there are now two of them here.

Our next door neighbour has kindly agreed to let us leach off of their DSL line until ours gets reinstated *late next week* (arghh!!). So to make the connection between houses, we're using the two cheapy wireless routers in WDS mode, protected with WPA2(AES).

Of course, our "lan rooms" are at opposite ends of the two houses from each other, so today SWMBO helped me string cat5 across our basement to the garage, which gets the signal closer to the neighbour's house.

Slight complication: the cat5 run seems to be too long for our switch to handle (WTF?), so we had to insert a hub into the middle of the run to amplify things.

Later I'll try a fully bridged* setup, so that our domain ( can become visible again over this temporary setup. (* as in, a single xDSL modem with two active PPPoE sessions up, one for the neighbours dynamic-IP, and a second connection for our static-IP).