A guy by the name of Stephen Lebans ( http://www.lebans.com ) has written a dll (StrStorage.dll) that can decompress and convert a snp file to pdf when used in conjunction with dynapdf.dll. Perhaps these dlls can be used under Wine to do the conversion.

According to a Lebans post on a public newsgroup:
The selected report is exported to Snapshot format.
The Snapshot file is then decompressed.
The resultant file is a standard Windows Structured Strorage object
containing Enhanced Metafiles(EMF), one for each page of the report. My code
in the StrStorage.DLL reads the Structured Storage and extracts the EMF's.
The DynaPDF library contains a function to convert EMF records to their PDF

That's it. Microsoft was kind enough supply me with information on the
private data structures of the Snapshot file so that I can create a PDF doc
that is identical to original Snapshot.
~ John