Anyway, seriously. Pork is well known for being a carrier of trichinosis, which is a larval roundworm. These days, farmed pigs very rarely have trichinosis, but it's certainly possible. Up through at least the 70s, though, you had to assume that pork was trichinosis-laden, just like you have to assume chicken is salmonella-laden now. To counter it, you had to make sure that the meat was heated through to 100F.

All that said, those videos look like fakes to me. For one thing, Coke is not going to penetrate the meat in a few minutes, much less the few seconds that it's being poured over the top. And even if it did, I can't imagine why it would encourage worms to crawl to the surface anyway.

It's certainly not going to make me stop eating pork.
Bitt Faulk