Hi everyone! Long time no see!

In the last month or ttwo I've been doing more mixing than in the last year! It started at the Linux Conference Australia, and now I'm DJing every Tuesday or so at a local nightclub. The latter might sound impressive, but basically it's a chance for the club's owner and friends to chill out and listen to music they like - at no time has the number of people in the club exceeded eight while I've been there.

Anyway, the listings are up at http://mabula.net/mixes; the new ones for this year are #34 (the two LCA mixes), #36 (Mach 5 - Full Trance), and #35 and #37 (the two Toast mixes so far). Mach 5 is similar to my previous Supersonic and Mach mixes - full, commercial trance sound. The rest are mostly 'tech trance' - try them and see!

The other neat surprise for everyone is that mixes 34 and 35 are fully licensed under the Creative Commons attribution-noncommercial-sharealike mix. This means that it's totally legal for you to download them, give them to friends, use in your own works of art, remix as you like, so long as you:

  • Tell people the track list and that I put the mix together.
  • Don't charge any money for it.
  • License your derivative work under the same conditions.

All the rest of the mixes are almost certainly illegal for you to download. If you do, you'll be hurting everyone at the RIAA, APRA, every record company, and doing the artists out of almost three cents worth of income. I want you to consider this very carefully before you download them.

If you have any problems with downloading them, let me know!

Have fun,

Owner of Mark I empeg 00061, now better than ever - (Thanks, Rod!) - and Karma 3930000004550