I'm really curious why you made that switch, because I've been in the process of going the other way.

Mainly for the hell of it. I had a licensed copy of Windows 2003 hanging around, so I thought I'd get some use out of it, and some experience with it.

I've not completely abandoned Linux -- this is just my fileserver (where the OS doesn't particularly matter from a technical standpoint). I'm still running Ubuntu (6.10 Desktop) on my laptop and Debian on my web server.

I'm also running Ubuntu (6.10 Server) on a virtual machine (under VMware) on the Windows 2003 machine, in order to handle those things (remotely backing up the web server, for example) that work better on Linux.

Given that I work at a company that does Windows infrastructure management (software and consultancy), getting more experience with the things we're supposed to support is a good thing, career-wise.

If this isn't your situation, then I'd encourage you to try Linux (my current favoured distro is Ubuntu), to see if it fits your needs.
-- roger