That would be more than sufficient for me as well. I would rather have seen three VPN users, but two would do. 25 users is overkill. I need no more than 5.
I just read back over my old thread about Sonicwall. I'd forgotten how much trouble I went to in order to set it up!
Clarification on the way Sonicwall handles VPN: You can purchase VPN-user-license "packs" that you add on to the router as you need them. At least that's the way it worked on the TZ170 I had.
Looking back on my old thread, I see a few things that tripped me up, so learning from my experience might help. If you do decide to go the sonicwall route, here were the two big things that I wasted most of my time on:
- Trying to put the VPN server in a DMZ was more hassle than it was worth and I couldn't get it to work. Instead, I had to put my DSL Modem into "bridge" mode so that the sonicwall box was the internet-facing appliance.
- Trying to configure the Windows VPN client to connect to the sonicwall VPN was more hassle than it was worth and I couldn't get it to work. Instead, I simply had to purchase a few licences for the proprietary sonicwall VPN client, then give the users burned CDs of the sonicwall client software.
Something else looking back that I'm realizing... Back then, I didn't understand how simple it was to set up a RADIUS server. So I actually had to punch in user names and passwords for each VPN client into both the 2003 server and the sonicwall box individually. If you set up the 2003 server properly, then tell the sonicwall box that it's got a RADIUS server to talk to, then you don't need to manage the usernames and passwords in two places. You just set up users on the 2003 server and set the proper permissions. I should have done it that way.