Finally got a chance to hear this.

Like it a lot.

Love the "Hemispheres" chord.

Love the shift back to 90's-era production. It sounds like "Presto" a lot. This is good. Sounding like "Moving Pictures" would be better, but I'll take what I can get. Actually, in terms of sound and production, I think "Counterparts" was the best, and if the new album ends up sounding like that, production-wise, we could be in for a great summer.

The song itself took me a couple of listens to get into. But that's normal for Rush songs. I think with a few more listens I'll like it even more.

I really like the odd time signature bits with the dropped beats. That's the Rush I've always known and loved.

The release of this song is trying to signal to fans of 80s/90s Rush that that's what they're aiming for. I hope the rest of the album turns out to be that.

Things from the last couple of albums I don't want to see repeated on this album:

- Falsetto.

- Bass guitar taking the role of rhythm guitar by playing chords, while guitar makes scratchy noises. Worked in spots on Geddy's solo album, but that was with a different guitarist and a different approach to mixing and songwriting. Doesn't work so well against Alex in the context of Rush.

- Too much compressor/limiter in the mastering stage.

This song has some of those elements, but only in very tiny doses, so it's OK. Let's hope the rest of the album is like that.

On the other hand, Rush has always been about making the music that THEY want to make, and not specifically trying to second-guess what we want them to do. So really, my desires in this matter are somewhat moot (as they should be).

Still... new Rush album. Awesome.

Even more awesome: NEW TOUR. Ooooooh Yeahhhhh.
Tony Fabris