Do any electronics gurus think it's possible to repair a worthy, quality office phone? It may have a simple problem with the "repair" place doesn't care enough to fix.

I am responsible for a pair of Nortel Venture 3 line phones. These things are nearly the empeg of small office phones: high quality, but discontinued even from refurbish resellers, and impossible to find repair for.

One of the two suddenly died, sort of. Power surge, maybe; now it is unresponsive, or sometimes shows a limited menu, and rarely, works for a few minutes before dying. The refurb seller I bought it from referred me to a repair shop, who "swapped the mainboard". When I got it back, it still doesn't work.

Are there any electronics gurus who could tackle a phone repair? It sort of still works; when I first powered it on after repair, it let me place a call, receive a call, but the mic didn't work, and the button presses were lagged... then it died.

Now I find I can't buy another one because NOBODY has them. I really need a Nortel Venture on the office desk ASAP.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set