We're in Essex so Reading's not too far away, might take you up on that offer, nobody I know in real life would have any idea what MythTV is. Don't mind learning a bit more Linux, it'd be handy at work too.

Just PM me

So what happens with HD then? Aren't there appropriate PCI cards?

In a word : "no". (AFAIK)

Basically it's a copy protection thing. Sky (and others) won't let HD signals out over a non-protected interface (like firewire that you get in the US). There's a very low chance that the hardware (if we ever see it) will work with non-proprietary software in order to prevent thieves/customers like us from time-shifting

You can't use a PCI DVB-S (satellite card) in the UK to get Sky because Sky uses a type of encryption hardware (CAM) that isn't supported. I have heard of 'grey' setups that decode using dodgy subscription cards but I'm OK with SD so never investigated further.

Will it get cracked? Possibly - I'm not holding my breath.

(Hat's off to Sky's original system architects - they sure met the spec of an 'uncrackable' system)

PS FYI: just buying some relays/reed switches to allow invisible switching of my whirlpool and possibly the slimserver.
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's