(Too bad the spoiler thing loses formatting. Oh well.)
That's because the javascript is ROT-13 encoding the <br> tags.
A quick hack would be to change the function to check for opening and closing of tags and set a flag to suspend and resume the rot-13 encoding.
Something like:
function rot13(elmt)
{ tag = false;
src = elmt.innerHTML;
dst = "";
for(i=0; i<src.length; i++)
if (c==60) {tag = true;}
if (c==62) {tag = false;}
if ((((c>64) && (c<78)) || ((c>96) && (c<110))) && !tag) { c=c+13; }
else if ((((c>77) && (c<91)) || ((c>109) && (c<123))) && !tag) { c=c-13; }
dst = dst.concat(String.fromCharCode(c));
elmt.innerHTML = dst;
I'm assuming that a '<' or '>' in a post gets url-encoded, but like I said the above is only a quick hack because I need to get back to what my boss thinks I'm supposed to be doing!! 
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Mk1 Blue - was 4GB, now 16GB
Mk2 Red - was 12GB, now 60GB