I'd be curious to see a link to the BBC admitting to "leftward" slanting and being Anti-US.

I think he may be referring to the Hutton Inquiry.

Something bad about the current administration is much more likely to come later, or with less emphasis on Foxnews.com then CNN.com for example. Because I wasn't paying as much attention to this prior to 2000, I can't really comment if this is reversed when the political alignment of the executive branch is flipped.

Fox didn't really have much market share until about 1999, so there's not really a lot to compare to. While Fox does have a very strong pro-administration bias, so does virtually every news source in the US. It's just that Fox's is more consistent.

There are quite a few media watchdog groups out there, and they all seem to say that there is a pro-administration bias in almost all media, regardless of the administration. I'll be very interested in seeing what Fox does when we get a Democratic president. Their bias may change somewhat. After all, the bias at Fox has been reported to come from Rupert Murdoch himself, and he's just interested in making money. He may see an advantage in pro-administration biases. Or he may continue to pander to the right wing nutjobs. Whatever makes him more money.
Bitt Faulk