I can't believe it, I rang Orange to get a price for upgrade, it came out at £249!

I've never threatened to leave Orange before so I was a little reluctant to try and after being berated by a very angry sounding upgrade woman I thought I wasn't to get anywhere, but after 2 minutes of holding I was put through to 'Customer Relations' where a nice lady said she'd do the handset for free plus knock £10 off my monthly bill and throw in unlimited off-peak data for 6 months if I stayed.

I'm somewhat surprised by the outcome, I'm not a 'power user' by any means, I don't think I've had a monthly bill of more than £60 ever, apart from when I was in the states and racked up a bill of £150 in a week! But I have been a customer for 10 years which must've counted for something.

It arrives tomorrow, I wonder what the going rate is for an SPV M600 on ebay?

Andy M