I went to “the Bodies” exhibit up in Seattle. I made it about a third of the way through before I realized that they were real. I’m not sure if I would have gone had I known.

The steaks at Morton Steakhouse were absolutely fabulous after though. That kind of made up for it.

Speaking of body parts and stuff, here’s a pic of my hand 3 days after the surgery. It’s all sown up but the stitches and swelling are pretty wicked. I’m just warning you. The great news is that I can now make a fist! This is the first time in two years! After losing mobility for so long it’s amazing what can be a simple pleasure, like gripping a steering wheel. The very very best part is that I hit an A chord on my guitar for the first time in two years! This was enough to just about bring me to tears. Loosing the ability to play was a huge loss. I was never any good but that has nothing to do with it. Playing is a means of self expression and I had lost that. Now I have it back. This is huge!!

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No matter where you might be, there you are.