I could be wrong, but I think:

In the US, stolen goods are still stolen goods, no matter how many hands they've passed through, innocent or otherwise. If I buy a stolen empeg, even thinking it's a legitimate transaction, law enforcement officials have the right to reclaim it without reimbursing me. If that happens, I may be able to redirect the law enforcement to whomever I bought it from, but I'm not sure it would work to get my money back.

Until 1995 in the UK there was an ancient law of "market overt" where a sale made in at a public market is binding against all parties who have an interest in the title of the goods. ie. if you unknowingly bought something that turned out to be stolen you would still be the legal owner, unless subject to subsequent court order (which would probably only follow conviction of the proven thief).

This was repealed in the Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1994.