We need some good old-90's-fashion Internet anarchy again. Remember when big business moved to slowly to stop trends and technology on the Internet? Internet radio will hopefully learn to adapt and avoid this nonsense. Peer to peer streaming?? Encrypted streams?

There's no way to get old politicians to understand this issue and shrug off the paid influence of the music industry. The only way to survive is to work around them, and in such massive quantity that the officials notice their efforts are futile. Remember the outbreak of MP3? The industry didn't know what hit 'em. We need that again for Internet Radio.

I wonder about all the greate iTunes radio stations, which are playing every night and 18 hours a day on weekends in my house. They seem so legitimate; how could they be shut down?

I guess the big business just wants us to buy XM or Sirrius to get the vast selection we desire.

Is there a list of bands, labels, and internet radio stations which DON'T play music endorsed by this copyright board? Just like supporting non-RIAA artists, maybe we can support the independant scene here too.
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