
Snapshots are cool - essential if you need to backup a 24x7 operation. Now weigh up the complexity vs the risk they introduce.

Yeah. Linux also has snapshots, and they work on *any* filesystem type, including ext2, ext3, xfs, FAT, ...

But I haven't yet seen a simple GUI widget to make them easy to use

Have you seen EVMS? Or is that why you said "simple"?

And the "can I recover" from disaster question nags me whenever I'm adding layers to the software between me and my files!

<grin> the number of times I've done a disk swap on a raid, started the rebuild and, when mounting to verify all is well, gotten the 'no filesystem' type response because I forgot the lvm layer!!!
What's annoying is that it gives me a new grey hair *every time*.
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's