The use of flash is likely more annoying than most pop-up sites I've seen. Arrrrgh.

The Intro was annoying as hell. I mean, do 1 or maybe 2 back-peddles but don't keep going backwards and start calling analogue process 'electronic'

It's a huge undertaking developing something like this, but to tell the reader to take their heads out of their asses when the author clearly still needs to do the same is a little too much.

FREESTYLE: "A style that's been around since at least the late 80's..." I don't know how he defines late, but many of his example songs I consider early to mid 80's. Case in point, Debie Deb, 1983, Shannon, 1984. I was certainly listening to freestyle prior to 1985. In fact I was past that phase by the end of 1986.

Trying too hard with genre matching is extremely futile. For many compilations you'll end up having to tag different genres to multiple (or each) track. Even studio albums often contain multiple genres or genre-bending tracks. It's far easier/safer to use meta genres and forget about the fine details of sub-genres when working with archived/digital music.
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