
Do you know anything about how/why the run and lock directories are mounted as they are in ubuntu? My gentoo machines don't use this and a quick google didn't turn anything up.

Those are on tmpfs, which is a 100% in-RAM filesystem emulator, exactly what you want for them. They get used for temporary lock files and "PID" files for daemons, stuff that is *never* wanted to survive over a reboot.

EDIT: to roll your own tmpfs, do something like this:

mkdir /junk
mount tmpfs /junk -t tmpfs

Now you have /junk/ as an in-RAM filesystem.

Note that Ubuntu also places the udev-generated /dev/ on tmpfs, and hides the real (static) /dev/ underneath it at /dev/.static/dev/


Edited by mlord (15/05/2007 10:16)