You're just feeding my insatiable habit of mentioning DVDlab on this board, aren't you?

IMO, it's the best DVD authoring tool out there (granted, as far as Windows goes - I don't know nothin' 'bout no Macs). Sadly, it doesn't have the great price it once did ($70), but the philosophy behind the program is still as solid as ever.

The author was sick of the gap between wizard-based programs and professional tools, so he created something that was very easy to use but had the ability to go as in-depth as you wanted. There's some seriously technical stuff you can do with the program that I don't understand at all, but I've made some sweet menu systems using the basics (and some intermediate stuff).

I think there's a free trial, so give it a shot. It's the aforementioned philosophy and its implementation that's made DVDlab one of my favorite applications.