Since I would have the machine apart anyway, there would be no extra trauma for it with regards to the connectors. Also, I planned to use a USB to 2.5 inch drive converter to actually attach it to the PC for filling.
How long should 40 gigs take to fill up with the USB lead?

You don't get the full USB1 bandwidth, or anything like, talking to the car-player directly: you should expect ~400Kbytes/s, so you're looking at 100,000 seconds, or about 28h. I've just done exactly what you describe (USB-to-IDE adapter, mp3tofid(*), mount on Linux) to re-fill my player after sticking new disks in it: I got ~10Mbytes/s, and I'd've got more than that except I stupidly made the "mp3tofid" directory tree on a different PC than the music files were on, so they all went over 100Mbit Ethernet.

It's not necessarily a beginner's task, though; the steps are:
  • Follow Roger's partitioning instructions using PC Linux and your USB-to-IDE adapter (your drive will appear as "sda" or "sdb" or similar instead of "hdc").
  • Follow Roger's formatting instructions.
  • Use Pim's mp3tofid program, which creates a link-farm on your PC that mirrors the desired directory layout on the car-player.
  • Use rsync (or just cp -L) to copy them to the filesystem on /dev/sda4
  • Install drives in player and run the normal upgrader to populate the root filesystem.
  • Then either use Emplode/Jemplode/Emptool for subsequent addition of music, or set up the whole rsync-over-Ethernet thing described on Pim's README.

I had 180Gbytes of mixed FLAC and MP3, so I was looking at a 6h vs 125h transfer.


(*) In fact a little program I knocked up a while ago, which is better about ASX playlists and about tracks which exist both as FLAC and MP3 -- but the moral equivalent of mp3tofid.