Well for some reason, when I start with a developer image on the player and I apply the disk builder it builds with no problems. Disk after disk, no issues. If I apply a consumer image and then go to apply the disk builder I get the same crash every time, completely repeatable. flash the kernel with v2.01 developer and I can go right back to building disks if I want... go figure?

Coudl it be because the disks I'm building are already formatted for the player, and the consumer sofware doesn't allow the use of Hyperterminal?

I had a few spare disks so I spent a while formatting/wiping them for the player this afternoon, that's how I got a chance to test this. Most of them, if not all of them, had various versions of player software on them becasue they were take-outs from HD upgrades.
Bodybag - So Cal
Not a Whiner any more!!!