Hi all,

I’ve got a question that some of you most likely know the answer to. I’m still looking at buying a NAS device. As most of you probably know, you can increase the transfer rate of such a NAS if you use jumbo frames (= increasing the MTU, up to 9000).

Now, I thought for this to work I would need :
1) a NAS device (obviously)
2) a router/switch which support jumbo frames
3) enabling jumbo frames on the PC ethernet port.

In other words, I though that every device on the chain needed to support Jumbo frames for this to work.

For this reason, I was going to replace my trusty D-Link 4300 gigabit router with a D-Link DIR 655. The only reason I was going to do this is because this router does support jumbo frames and the 4300 does not.

Now I’ve read on another forum that this is of no importance, because the switch only sends information from one unit to another. Because of this, I would have no benefit in also upgrading my router.

Is this true? I have a hard time believing this.

Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
Riocar 80gig (010102106) - backup