I've seen his books on the shelves for some time. Going by the number of volumes and constant stocking, they must have a following, but the time I bought one, It just couldn't keep my interest.

The first half-dozen or so were really good, but IMO after that the quality tails off and they start becoming potboilers too reliant on running-jokes. The best later ones are the ones with entirely new settings and characters, so the running-jokes are scarcer: Pyramids, and, my favourite of the lot, Small Gods. Everyone should read Small Gods. Everyone should read Pratchett's collaboration with Neil Gaiman, Good Omens, too.


Pyramids, Is that a story where a small pyramid shows up at a university and grows larger with repeated inputs of energy. In the process sucking in various persons and transporting them to a universe/time when the greek gods exist, leaving the same people to embark on a strange quest to get home.

I enjoyed that one, didn't remember who wrote it.