It sounds like your battery is either faulty (low acid in one or more cells?) or you have another load on it somewhere.

Battery is known to be good. I can run the stereo with engine off for hours (and that's with five amplifiers feeding 11 speakers!) before the voltage drops enough to shut down the empeg -- and even then, there's enough left to start the car.

Charging system seems to be fine, the battery always stays fully charged regardless of load, has done for years.

I think you're right, there must have been another load on the battery, maybe something wacky like a relay stuck and the rear window defroster came on or something. But it does seem an odd coincidence that the empeg was in the process of booting when I turned off the ignition, and it would have stayed running all night under the circumstances. But as you said, no way could it draw enough power to totally discharge the battery. In any case it would have turned itself off when battery voltage dropped to 10-11 volts.

Just one of life's little mysteries, I guess.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"