I've just asked Schofiel for (the third) repair but still no answer, if he doesn't have time, would you please consider to give it a look? I'm quite good with solderings of normal components and chips but i can't do SMD, do you think I can give it a try?

Yes, I can look at it, eventually. It could take a month or two, or just an evening, depending very much upon my up-to-the-minute schedule and how inspired I feel about it on any given day.

Try Rob Schofiel first, and use email to arrange things with me after that.


In the end, do you have an idea of the cause of this failure? Does the HD upgrade could be the problem? Thanks.

I don't know what causes things like this to fail. The usual sources of random bit failures in electronics are (1) dirty power (under/over voltage, spikes, noise, etc), and (2) ESD (electro-static discharge) damage from mishandling things. The empeg is darned near tough as nails much of the time, but it's not immune to such problems either.
