I've been coming here since about 2002 and no one ever seems to give winamp any props.

It is by no means a mass file tagger, but for "on pc" music management and playback, I'd say it is the best out there.
The "Media Library" does a great job of pointing out inconsistencies your favorite mass tagger may have left behind and you can make changes to the tags from within winamp.
it makes it's own little db of all your metadata
It streams
it rips
it burns
it converts
it crossfades
it's gapless
it has playlist making logic
it does amazing vizualizations (desktop mode makes the viz your deskop walpaper)
very skinable (size and shape, not just color)
you get 20 or so XM satellite stations or free
most played
recently added
recently played
never played
top rated
streaming radio
streaming tv
blah blah blah, the list goes on forever...

The only thing I haven't fiugured out yet is how to get winamp on my laptop to control winamp on the computer hooked up to my home stereo... still using my empeg for this feature.

Check out the overview
__________ davecosta Hijacked 60GB MKIIa 2.0b13