Hmm- ok, my first post was mainly in response to the WTWTA production and not specifically to The Giving Tree- a story I've never read or heard of.
Your comments have led me to Wikipedia's entry, and now the irony in Dignan's comment is much clearer to me.

It seems that The Giving Tree (story) has the ability to spark discussion and yield a variety meanings and viewpoints. So what is the problem with that? THAT'S GREAT! That's one of the best things about art in general, IMO. I know I may sound like I'm arguing against a stand that has not (in this thread) been taken, so please, nobody get offended or in a huff.
I'd just like to say that a production of The Giving Tree could be as great at promoting thought and discussion as something like, say, The Cube.

Besides, I think that kids are much more clever and deeper than most people think and can examine a morality play for its variety of viewpoints. I imagine a world where all the 'children's stories' are black and white would be quite bland and certainly not true to life.

Again- not going off on a rant or arguing against anyone here- just clarifying some thoughts in my head.
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