Not at the moment

. This has something to do with brakes and steering rack(don't ask - long story); however, since I get an extra day off work next weekend, I'm going to be working on the Mini, the Renault and
especially Gail (if you lived in Holland, you'd understand the joke

), with the emphasis on Gail.
I had the chassis completely rebuilt last summer, but up to that pont I was driving her in to work every day, even in winter, with the top down. I got stopped by the coppers on the way in to work when it was persisting down one day. Conversation went like this:
"Hello sir, do you know you're driving with the top down?"
{me, getting very wet all of a sudden} "Yes, officer"
"Is there a reason for this?"
"No, I just like fresh air. Is that all officer? I'm getting wet!"
"No, I just thought I'd tell you!"
{me} "????"

The guy must have been bored. I ended up with wet pants for the rest of the day
P.S. The Triumph versus MG thing was just inter-departmental rivalry within British Leyland - it sold more cars, of course....
One of the few remaining Mk1 owners...