I get an error when I try to run the line "swapon /swapfile" saying that /swapfile is not a valid switch.

Those commands should work precisely as shown. Please make certain that you're not adding or subtracting any spaces or typing the wrong kind of slash or something like that. Make sure all of the prerequisites are met, and all of the commands from the beginning are typed correctly. For example, the commands prior to swapon are "umount" not "unmount" (a common mistake).

You are perfectly welcome to select the commands in your web browser, copy them to the clipboard, and paste them into hyperterminal. That would ensure they get exectuted correctly.

(The converse is not true... if you try and select/copy text from hypterterminal and paste it into a message here, it gets messed up because of a bug in hyperterminal. But pasting commands *into* hyperterminal is fine.)
Tony Fabris