Given your original budget you *must* listen to the Acoustic Energy Aego M system. he sells the Squeezebox too.)
It's simply *fantastic* for the price - £99
It can be a *teeny* bit uncontrolled in the bass - but < £100?
[edit - this is an active system - ie it includes the amplifier for that price]
The main speakers are cast metal and about 2" x 3" x 3" - incredibly small - we use it as a portable 'dance' system.
Actually, it is probably better than my Squeezebox-sourced £225 lounge setup of Cambridge Audio A1 amp + Wharfdale speakers from Richer Sounds - the amp is probably the weak point there.
Doesn't touch the Cyrus2 and the B&W 110is (18/20 years old!!) in the hifi room though

If you get down to Reading feel free to drop in and listen to ours.
My Sonic T did sound amazing - right up until it became a mono-amp

It used to get very very hot too.
(Nb, since I realised I'd mentioned 3 hifi systems so far I thought "why stop now..." - we also have JPWs+Sony amp in the study and a squeezebox+Rotel amp + waterproof 6" in the bathroom, oh and we have an Aego2 in the bedroom - and it is just as good as the new Aego M. Haven't got speakers for the Rio Receiver in the spare room...yet ! )
Don't touch Bose - waste of money. Google "Bose is crap"
Ah, just buy the Aego M. It's exactly in your original budget and you'll love it

If you keep an eye out on eBay, the original Aego2 comes up every now and again for £50-£70.