But during the photo shoots, as time progressed, as it often does, the position of the sun would have changed. Thus the ambient/direct sunlit photographs are not all created equal. Now I can't make an accurate comparison to help me decide which Darkstorm lenses to buy! Kidding, of course.

I had a similar, but much less painstaking experience while creating the lit button gallery for Greenlights. The "Daylight" photos required the empeg atop a stack of cardboard boxes of various heights, with the camera on my Pelican case (on edge) on a chair, putting them at the same height. The empeg sat on white paper with paper propped up behind it to provide a neutral background. I'd view each photo on the camera, zooming in to the max and comparing the top of the fascia against the camera screen to ensure a level shot. And I'd have to wait for the frequent thin clouds to pass to ensure equal sunlight. It took me so long that, yes, the angle of the sunlight changed quite a bit during the shoot.

And for the "Lit" photos, I would pause the track at a point where the Tripping Prisoner visual (note, 1.03 Info>Line) was showing a nearly equal amount of the four shades of grey. And each track chosen contains some reference to the button/lens color being shown.

Whatever, if you're going to do it, then do it right. That motto is why everything takes me so darn long.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set