If you lookhere and click on either 'keyboard' or 'set-top box', there are a couple of keyboards that might be usable.

One is a standalone IR keyboard, the other is the remote for the set-top box, which is a *very* small and cute keyboard,
with a trackpad for a mouse. I've got one here, and it's rather nice. When the lid is closed, it's a biggish remote, and when
it's opened and rotated 90 degrees, it's a full keyboard.

I haven't had time to play with woking out the output, but I'll have a go sometime.

The set-top box is quite nice as well, being based around an ARM7500FE at 64MHz, with composite video/RGB out,
a 56k modem, standard 72-pin SIMM socket (8MB fitted), a parallel port, and
expansion capabilities. It runs a version of RiscOS.


Opinions expressed in this email may contain up to 42% water by weight, and are mine. All mine.
Experience is what you get just after it would have helped...