Speaking of which, with a title of Masters of Sci-Fi, I was a little surprised they didn't pick one of [Asimov's] short stories.

My guess would be that the entire Asimov oeuvre is already optioned.

However, most of the authors they picked seem reasonable: Ellison and Heinlein certainly make sense, even if Heinlein's sucked, Sheckley is held in nearly as much prominence inside the SF community as they are, even if less well-known amongst the public, and Kessel is reasonable -- he's won a Nebula and is reasonably well-known in the SF community.

But Walter Mosley and Howard Fast? They're known for their crime fiction and historical fiction, respectively, and have written very little scifi, and not much of it particularly well-known.

(Yes, that's six authors. For whatever reason, ABC showed only four of the six episodes filmed. They didn't air the Sheckley and Mosley stories.)
Bitt Faulk