Well, VNC should be easy. They have the WinCE spurce right there, so once I get a decent internet connection, I should be able to download the 300 some meg CE compiler suite from MS and compile it. Or theres this
http://conduits.com/ce/apps/vnc.asp. It's compiled for the ARM already, just seems to be more for the HP unit.
And the Java client looked promising, but no integration with IE. There has to be some way of doing this, since Macromedia got Flash in there. I'm just hoping CE 4 will be a bit better about returning the PocketPC to a Pocket PC and not an amazingly fast product to compete with Palms on the PDA front. (/me also hopes CE 4 will fit into the 16 mb ROM, it should with all the empty space CE 3 leaves in there)