Thanks guys! I guess I could use Winamp and had thought about it, but I really loath the interface of it (loath Windows Media Interface too actually). I'm using a plugin for WMP that I paid for because it no longer works on iTunes (VolumeLogic to remove dynamic range). I've got the speaker playing through the left amp output from my Dell speakers, but I want to hear the stereo mixed down to mono on each channel. If I am listening to a stereo recording, I only hear the left side as it stands now because that is how it is wired. If the recording has some dramatic stereo effect such as a hard pan to the right, I hear almost nothing other than maybe some room ambiance put on the left channel. Since I would like to do my listening over this one speaker I have for about a week, I would like to not have such irritations if possible.

Maybe Winamp is the only answer?

If you want it to break, buy Sony!