Call an ophthalmologist and go see him. Now. It's serious enough that you need a pro opinion.
I had something like that happen last year. It started as I walked to work from the parking lot. With every step I saw a bright flash in the center of the eye. Rapid eye moves did the same...
I'll be lining up doc visits for as soon as possible and get complete checkups.
The thing about this episode was that it wasn't induced by any physical trauma. It was sort of a visual version of a foot falling asleep- very much a nerve thing. The 'blank spot' turning to 'donut distortion' experience was shared for both eyes, so I knew it wasn't so much the 'cameras' as the 'video card'. lol The OS might be buggy at times, but what do you expect when the motherboard has the consistency of marmalade? 
10101311 (20GB- backup empeg)
10101466 (2x60GB, Eutronix/GreenLights Blue) (Stolen!)