Hmmm... I think I can beat that. 1986 Ford Taurus Station Wagon, 180,000 miles.

$ 550 (trade-in ("book") value of car)
$ 550 (value of car)
$1600 (18 GB empeg)
$ 550 (2@PPI amplifiers)
$ 515 (5@ MB Quart speakers)
$ 185 (Orion Subwoofer)
$ 200 (Cabling, distribution blocks, L-Pads, etc.)
$ 500 (Valentine One Radar detector w/accessories)
$ 250 (Alarm system)
$ 400 (Installation charges and custom work for above)
$4200 (Value of accessories)
Ratio of accessories to value of car: 7.6:1

Nope -- you have me beat! But not by very much... If I threw in my $39 set of custom hubcaps and my cold weather accessories (block heater, oil pan heaters, trickle charger, and electric interior heater -- about $125 worth) then I'd be ahead.... or is that behind?


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"