For those you are using Vista, how much memory do you have?
I've got 2GB in mine.
I have about 1gb and it seems that the memory usage is almost always at least 70%.
That's SuperFetch, which pre-emptively (and aggressively) caches things, and supposedly learns your usage patterns.
On my 2GB machine, it's (only a few minutes after booting up) used 1.5GB for caching. No point having that memory not being used. This can be disconcerting, because the hard disks in this PC are quite noisy, so it sounds like a lot of thrashing activity.
Apparently, it doesn't do this on laptops, when they're on battery, because all of the extra disk activity is a drain on battery life.
are there any other little ways to speed it up (other than just using Xp
You can try using ReadyBoost, which is where you plug in a fast USB flash, and it uses that for caching. Apparently, you won't see much of an improvement if you've got more than 1GB in the machine, though.
Alternatively, you might see improvements by using either a faster hard disk (e.g. a WD Raptor) or by configuring RAID0 (striped).